What ever happened to manners?
I remember there was a time that people said, "please" and "thank you" and would say, "good-bye" when a phone conversation ended, amongst other things.
Have you noticed that where there were once lots of manners in all aspects, and for some reasons they are either no longer, or have diminished greatly to the point of asking,"What's going on?". Well, I have. And I don't like it.
I was taught that for the rules of the road, you put your turn signal on to let other drivers know that you were going to.....turn, and...people were actually nice enough to let you in. Nowadays, I would be lucky enough to be informed that a person wanted in my lane by turning their signal on. Well, that happens about 50% of the time. About the other 50% of the time, people do actually turn their signal on to let me know.
What about treating someone with respect? "Treat others like I would like to be treated." Good grief people. At this day and age is seems that treating someone with respect with a lot of people went out the window. Why? Why do you believe that you can treat someone like "less than" dirt? What did that person do to you to deserve that kind of treatment?
Letting someone finish a sentence. Not texting on the cell phone when you are with friends or family. Turning off the t.v. and spending time with those important to you.
How about returning phone calls,....?
It seems that we have become more so a society that it's all about "me" and not respecting another human being, or showing the care and consideration to another.
It's sad when we have become a society that enjoys watching others disrespect others...prime example "The Jerry Springer Show".
I realize I am on a "high horse" and that I am pointing out the degradation of society, but can you blame me? I would love to see more people show respect for one another and allow for proper communication.
Until then, I look forward to showing you respect...
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