This is a copy of the letter that I had sent to all 3 agencies with a proof of service by mail. -
(first and middle name here):
family of the Miller
(Home address here)
(city here), California Republic 9****
(address here)
(address here)
(address here)
Regards to
your commercial accounts: 99FS*****
ID number
19 April
I am (first and middle name here) of
the blood family [Miller] and I come now as the Petitioner and Administrator of
my private estate, and claims under redress of grievances(s) under the
Constitution Act. 1 and (18 USC 24-242
and 42 USC 1981-1982-1983-1984-1985) I am one of “We the People” under Republic
law in California Republic and claims the protections under Statue at Large
number one, and the Ninth Amendment and under the assorted laws governing the
insolvency of the country and being inadvertently find myself under subject to
the Bankruptcy HJR-192: I am not a all cap person “(ALL CAP NAME HERE)”, only the
beneficiary to these accounts, there are no records established in your papers
given to me, of that name other than your want to profit from these assigned BB
and SSI accounts to me. These special accounts located within the Birth
Certificates and the Social Security numbers are not to be used again without
my written expressed consent, ever again.
Please pay attention: to
all public servants, franchises, corporations and the world at large, take ‘JUDICIAL NOTICE’ ‘ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE’ and follow
these orders; in the nature of a ‘WRIT OF ERROR’, CORAM NOBIS, and this
one of the “We the People”, not named as an employee a corporations under
charter, not subject to Statutes and Codes, that are not positive laws, and a
DEMAND FOR VOID JUDGMENT of all matters brought forth within these cases named
herein, to be acknowledged by your commercial courts adjudications as null and
void ab initio.
I (first name and middle initial here) [Miller]
the living natural woman, being ‘One’ of the “We the People” accepts the
Constitutional oath of: all PUBLIC SERVANT’S,
and with their individual OATH OF OFFICE, stating “that I will and faithfully
discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter (A constitutional CONTRACT
SEALED WITH SIGNATURE and accepted) dated and file in the office of the
Secretary of State of the State of California. Each public Servant has the duties
to uphold their oaths to the state California Republic constitution(s) a
binding contract and to their UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’s constitution. These
pledged of allegiance statements, within the oath that a public servant takes,
is by the consent of the “We the People” to conduct in public servant offices
the peoples business. This does not include any other unknown oaths that the
judge and other public servants including, but not limited to, the franchises
for profit corporations that may take with third parties, including but not
limited to, commercial franchises and with the United Nations with regards to
the Rights of homeowners and private business. Judges cannot serve two masters.
Without full disclosure of these other
pledges allegiances and oaths, dictates that there are other interests that
would necessarily be a conflict of interests to the rights of a one of the ‘We
the people’ (and would need to recuse themselves) from handling the ‘We the Peoples
business’ as by the consent of those people understandings. An appointed judge
has only one duty that has placed them into public service, that is the
constitution and by way of the ‘consent of the people’. They are to maintain
that office for the benefits of the We the real People and not special interests
of commercial franchises and banks and attorneys for their profit making
enterprising (franchises), which otherwise becomes a private closed union shop
RICO and Racketeering. Failure to comply may be the loss of employment and
retirement assets to the proposed defendant and possible prison time. Included
within these acceptances are fiduciary duties to do the right thing in these
*63C Am.Jur.2d, Public Officers and
Employees, 247*
As expressed otherwise, the powers delegated to a
public officer are held in trust for the people and are to be exercised in
behalf of the government or of all citizens who may need the intervention of
the officer.
[1] Furthermore, the view has been expressed that all
public officers, within whatever branch and whatever level of government, and
whatever be their private vocations, are trustees of the people, and
accordingly labor under every disability and prohibition imposed by law upon
trustees relative to the making of personal financial gain from a discharge of
their trusts.
[2] That is, a public officer occupies a fiduciary
relationship to the political entity on whose behalf he or she serves.
[3] And owes a fiduciary duty to the public. (And “We
the People”)
[4] It has been said that the fiduciary responsibilities
of a public officer cannot be less than those of a private individual.
[5] Furthermore, it has been stated that any
enterprise undertaken by the public official who tends to weaken public
confidence and undermine the sense of security for individual Rights is against
public policy.
"The governments are but trustees acting under
derived authority and have no power to delegate what is not delegated to them.
But the people, as the original fountain might take away what they have
delegated and entrust to whom they please. ... The sovereignty in every state
resides in the people of the state and they may alter and change their form of
government at their own pleasure."
--Luther v. Borden, 48 US 1, 12 Led 581.
Fraud in its elementary common law sense of deceit-and
this is one of the meanings that fraud bears [483 U.S. 372] in the statute. See
United States v. Dial, 757 F.2d 163, 168 (7th Cir1985) includes the deliberate
concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation. A
public official is a fiduciary toward the public, including, in the case of a
judge, the litigants who appear before him and if he deliberately conceals
material information from them, he is guilty of fraud. (And Misprision of
Felony) McNally v United States 483 U.S. 350 (1987)
‘One’ of the We the People (first and middle name here) of the blood family of [Miller] is the
acting Administrator of the estate will, does hereby ACCEPTS YOU fiduciary OATHS
under the organic California constitution of 1850 to serve the ‘We the People
business’ of which I am one, whom has accepted your duties and obligations
under said public servant office. Provisions under the Statute at Large number
one, is a positive law. I accept the provisions and hold you accountable
(Including, but not limited to, the appointment of you as trustee (within these
constructive trusts as cases) to settle and closure of alleged debts under of
the HJR-192 Public Law 73-10 under Insolvency Act stated within the “Statutes
At Large” number one and within the Government codes Stats at Large 10 volume
48 pages 1-112) to those provisions as law of the land including unalienable
rights named within the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation
stated in Stat at large one.
The Petitioner/Administrator,
a provable non-corporate entity, only a natural woman, with this JUDICIAL
JURISDICTION AND VENUE Pursuant to FRCP Rule 4 (j) for a natural woman, not
identified and described as a slave of your 13th and 14th
amendment. These issues stated herein above and below have been discovered that
criminal activity against the Constitution in the continuance attempt to theft
estate personal property for ‘others gains’ (your corporations and franchises)
namely the structured “A Private Commercial Closed Union Shops” the -BAR--Banks
and the Public Servant Judicial in collusion with private franchises naming
themselves as government ‘business as usual’ system under unlawful commerce for
makers of the Constitution conferred, as against the government, the Right to
be let alone; the most comprehensive of Rights, and the Right most valued by
civilized men." US Supreme Court Justice Brandeis in Olmstead v. United
States 277 US 438, 48 S.Ct. 564, 575; 72 L ED 944 (1928)
Let it be known that I, (first and middle name here), of the blood family of the Miller withdrawals,
revokes, cancel, rescind my consent to these all of the so called government contracts,
understanding and agreements, jurisdictions, authorities under admiralty and
maritime laws, named herein for commercial fraud, violations of terms and
conditions of said agreements, commercial security fraud, tax embezzlement of
un-authorized un-lawful without consensual taking(s), impersonation of public
servants without proper authority activities, engaged in profit making schemes
and violations to the fair and honest services from public servants guaranteed
by the same constitution they swore to.
It has been brought to my attention by licensed
professional experts in the Securities industries that each of these cases and
accounts has yielded collateral, funds and otherwise values related to your accounts
set up under usury of the Birth Certificates and the Social Security number
under my name and have become security investments to investors, for profits.
These funds have been reported to be invested into the Court Registry
Investment Service (CRIS) and or several trust escrows, for unknowing investor(s)
on the municipal and mutual funds market after being laundered through the
Secretary of Treasury for corporate government(s) to benefit from any of the
below, Judges retirement funds, Cal Pers, FSCME, and others well hidden from
site tax free. This is security fraud and insider trading tax embezzlement without
a security brokers license with ‘futures for profits’ and taints cases for a
particular outcome for the performance of the case need to have a particular
outcome to maintain the security.
The balancing of your double (Dipping) judicial booking
system will have to be completed by you the judicial officer (public Servant to
the California Republic Constitution) and with the cooperation of the (Franchise(s))
the franchises tax board, IRS and franchise(s) agencies corporations and the
Federal Public Salary Act with the GAO and the OMB programs that compensate
your public servant employee offices involved with these frauds not disclosed
to the innocent one(s) consent. If by chance you do not wish to balance your
books and end these fraudulent securities, it would necessarily means I will
have to settle and close these accounts with force under proper authority to
assist my efforts.
I wish under ‘subpoena power’ and under ‘FOIA’ and the
‘Private information Act’ to have a full accounting of all activities,
cusip(s), and investors of these securities address and locations of these
securities along with the maturity dates immediately. This is necessary will be
subpoena (d) if this case continues I am ordering you to end all debts and
provide a full forensic accounting of all capital gains and taxes paid upon
these gains. I want any and all overages returned to a special escrow account
and delivered back to my estate. I also want to have a county assessment file
on my children names and on mine. This can be obtained from the county. An IRS
4506 T report of all withdrawals by your franchises over the years is demanded.
Please be aware that under the Bankruptcy Act of 1933
and the clause named within Stat at Large, provisions within the Secretary of
Treasury within the State California is authorized to forgive alleged debt
entered into the court system, otherwise we can take these issues up with the
IRS for cancelation of debt and or forgiveness of these allege debt.
I also would like to remind you that you and your
franchise that took these actions against my wishes and will destroyed my life
with my children. This means that under Maritime Law, these contracts were
forced upon me without my consent, will and wishes (forced under duress to
contract). These on it own merit nullifies this entire so called contract(s)
forced upon my life not subject to your Codes
and Statutes.
If you feel I am in error and I don’t know what I am
speaking about, you are welcomed to put it in writing and explain to everyone
including your bosses of your wants, otherwise I will send your communications
to the IRS, USAG, Inspector General, Victor General and the SEC for further
investigations into securities fraud and tax embezzlement purposes for your
profit and gains mostly not known to anyone. Additional I will contact the 9th
circuit court and have a special masters investigation, of the full truth of
these matters of forced slavery that you are forcing upon a victim of your fraudulent
I am giving you 21 days upon receipt of this
communication, with the understanding that receipt of letter is 5 days from the
above posted is delivered to you, for to answer and settle and close all files
accounts cases, and to e-sponged my record and my children’s records forever. In
the best interest of justice and an honest and fair court, I also seek damages
to my private lives and relations to my children lives.
Closure: affirmation of true and correct
This communications act in the same capacity as an
affidavit and are sworn to the facts and conclusions of the findings brought
forward by professional expert witnesses, and my self in my due delinquents of
research. My religion does not allow me to swear under penalty of perjury.
If you choose to do the rightful thing