Thursday, January 16, 2014


This post below is in response to a friend from high school who was talking about how Illegals are a problem.

Here is his original post, "So let me just throw this out there. Name another country that will let you come into it illegally give you a drivers license and let your kids qualify for free education college included. And if they are born here automatic citizenship. Go ahead name one."

There were, of course, comments before mine, but I thought I would just share mine...

Actually, if you want to get real technical, We all are illegals...except for the American Indians who were here first. Technically, American English should not be the standard, it should be the American Indian language. Look at how Europeans came over and without acknowledging that the American Indians had Rights here first, the Europeans decided that it wold be fair compensation to pay the American Indians with money that the Europeans forged themselves. The American Indians were led to believe that all would be well. It's called Eminent Domain, and it is an unjust law, that was created by the Europeans.
Unless you have at least one drop of American Indian blood running through your veins, then ye have no Right to be complaining about Illegal Immigrants. As far as Mexicans or Canadians, I am willing to bet that since North America originally did not have fences, that Mexicans and Canadians still have more Rights that Europeans do as far as the land here in North America. I am 1/128 American Indian (that means my full blooded American Indian was 7 generations ago), and the rest of me is comprised of European (French, Irish, German, Swiss, U.K) and Russian (Lithuanian).
I am so very tired of hearing politically correct terms...
Our very country was founded on screwing over the Natural Rights of those who are financially poor. Look at American Indians, Indigent Servants from U.K., Africans from Africa.
Don't even get me started on politics.
Those that Ignore 99% of my posts, do so because they think they are not directly affected by the corruptness of our Government. Yet, give me at least 3 hours and I could explain how each and everyone here is affected, no matter what you think.
Look at the history of just the United States of America, and count how many years our government has had us in a war, and you will see that war is kept going for a profit. If it wasn't, then our government would not have a hand in any way. Think about it.
Illegals. I think they are one of our concerns, but not a major concern.
Sorry, for the long post, but had to put my $.20 in, you know, for inflation. <--- Oy. Don't get me started on that either.